- More exhibitors from diverse wine regions
- Heightened appeal for Chinese trade visitors
- Growing interest from Chinese exhibitors
Exhibitor registration is underway for this year's ProWine China (12 – 14 November 2019 in Shanghai), and the numbers are impressive. Leading the way are Germany's national organizations: The Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has come together with the German Wine Institute (DWI) to announce the largest national investment ever seen at this fair. Austria (through
Advantage Austria) and Portugal (through
Wines of Portugal) are similarly expanding the footprint of their dedicated pavilions. Not to be outdone, the
Consorzio Italia del Vino will also be on hand with numerous estates and companies. Serbia and Bulgaria are among the newcomers to ProWine China, each with its own national stand. The number of Chinese exhibitors is rising as well. Numerous producers from China's native winegrowing regions will be represented this year at the
UP-Chinese stand. A rich roster of individual exhibitors has also already signed up, including notable names such as
Les Grands Chais de France (GCF), Dalmacijavino, Duca Di Salaparuta, WSET and COFCO GreatWall.
The early trends for ProWine China point to more than just record overall number of exhibitors, however. The structure of exhibitors continues to develop as well, and this year's fair has clearly caught the attention of the marketing agencies for several important regions of origin. Alongside Chianti Classico and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, two of Italy's leading winegrowing regions, France's Inter Beaujolais and Spain's D.O. Montsant will be making their debut as part of joint regional stands.
ProWine China raising profile with Chinese wine industry insiders
As a member of the ProWein World family, the quality and quantity of international exhibitors at ProWine China far outstrips those of other wine fairs on the Chinese mainland. As such it is the ideal platform for Chinese trade visitors looking for comprehensive information about international wines and spirits. China has seen sharply rising interest in wines and spirits in recent years, and in response ProWine China continues to tailor its activities to support greater visitor acquisition. One focus here is northern China, especially Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Jilin. A new round of city-specific promotions will also start in August. Among the planned activities are master classes and themed dinners in more than 30 Chinese cities, including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanning, Kunming, Shenyang, Beijing, Qingdao, Xi'an, Chengdu, Changchun, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin, Urumqi and Hohhot.
ProWine China 2019 will be held from 12 – 14 November in halls W4 and W5 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). For more information about ProWine China, please visit www.prowinechina.com.
Press Contact ProWine China:
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Aki Cao
Tel.: +86 21 6169 8350
Press Contact ProWine China & FHC:
China International Exhibitions Ltd.
Nieve Zhang
Tel.: +86 21 3339 2152